Electoral Reform

Electoral Reform is the primary focus of The LLCC Policy Center. For decades we have seen the consequences of an electoral system that promotes division and gridlock. Laws have been enacted to protect incumbent politicians and political parties leading to the rise of 28 states where one party holds a supermajority of the state legislature. Single-party rule has exposed the reality that the Republican and Democratic coalitions are really just a patchwork of more distinct political ideologies held captive by an outdated electoral system. In states like Wyoming and New Mexico, where a single party holds supermajorities in both legislative chambers and the Governor’s Mansion, we have not seen cohesion and solution-driven policy, instead, we see those supermajorities divided amongst themselves, leading to more out-of-touch legislation. The LLCC Policy Center is focused on bringing reforms that will bring competition and integrity back to state houses across the country.

Help us pass critical electoral reforms by making a donation today!
